The Pechersk District Court of the city of Kyiv, by its decision dated October 6, 2022, upheld the lawsuit of McDonald’s International Property Company, Ltd. to the Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property (Ukrpatent) and the individual Yevhen Leskiv and canceled…
On November 16, 2022, the parliament of Ukraine adopted the Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Bringing Legislation in the Field of Protection of Rights to Plant Varieties and Seed Production and Nurseries into Compliance with…
The use of the name protected as a geographical indication “Cognac” for products originating from third countries and not meeting the technical conditions of Cognac production is prohibited on the territory of Ukraine. These conditions were stipulated by the Association…
At the end of 2019, the entrepreneur filed a lawsuit against the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the approval of licensing conditions for conducting business activities in the production of medicinal products, wholesale and retail trade…
From April 1, 2023, changes to the legislation of Ukraine regarding the possibility of conducting business activities as an electronic resident will enter into force. The status of e-resident can be obtained by foreigners who have turned 18 years old,…
From November 1, 2022, amendments and additions to the Patent Instructions to the Eurasian Patent Convention entered into force. The most significant innovation in the Patent Instruction is the possibility to submit digital three-dimensional models (3D models) for Eurasian invention…
The state enterprise “Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property” by its order suspended the possibility of ordering accelerated consideration of applications from October 3, 2022. The decision concerns the possibility for the applicant to pay an additional fee for the accelerated…
From October 1, 2022, Ukraine joined the Customs Conventions on Common Transit Procedure (new computerized transit system, NCTS). Ukraine became the 36th member state of the NCTS, which is used by European countries to control joint transit. From now on,…
On September 26, 2022, the Court of Appeal supported the position of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in the case against “Pharmaceutical Company “Zdorovya” LLC regarding the copying of the packaging of a competitor’s product. In 2017, “Pharmaceutical Firm “Darnytsia”…
On September 6, 2022, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted the law On the peculiarities of the legal protection of geographical indications for agricultural products and food products, the protection of rights, and the application of quality schemes, including traditional guaranteed…