June 1, 2022, enters into force a new value of basis for calculation of official fees in Uzbekistan, incl. fees for actions with intellectual property objects. The basis for calculation rises by 12%, i.e. all official fees for actions with…
The Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan made the amendments to the list of official fees for actions with trademarks starting from May 19, 2022. The most significantly increased official fee for trademark renewal – the cost for renewing a trademark…
In January-March 2022, the Ukrainian IP Office received 5,891 applications for registration of new intellectual property rights objects, which is 40% lower than in the first quarter of 2021. The number of applications for registration of utility models decreased the…
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved a number of changes to the procedures for state registration and re-registration of medicines and their circulation for the period of martial law, in particular: – the procedure for emergency state registration…
With the exit of many companies, Russia has decided to abandon the national principle of exhaustion of rights and allow the import of products into its territory without the permission of the right holders. Russia’s Ministry of Industry and Trade…
On May 1, 2022, the Eurasian Patent Office issued the first electronic Eurasian patent for an industrial design, owned by Gillette Company LLC (USA). The electronic patent for an industrial design was issued on the first day of the new…
Another annual international rating of The Legal 500 and another recognition of Crane IP Law Firm as one of the best in the field of Intellectual property law in Ukraine. For the third year in a row, we are proving…
Against the background of the military invasion of Ukraine and numerous war crimes committed against civilians, Russia has made a number of steps, which turns this country into a jurisdiction, where IP rights infringements are supported by the government. Court…
Despite the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, the Ukrainian IP Office (Ukrpatent) continues to work. Still, the IP rights protection system faces restrictions in Ukraine. 1. Ukrpatent continues to accept new applications for trademarks, patents, and copyrights – both under…
On March 14, 2022, Ukraine became a full member of the Regional Group of the Central European and Baltic States (CEBS) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The CEBS regional group includes 20 countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,…