
On June 10, 2023, the parliament of Ukraine adopted the government draft law on consumer rights protection. The law implements EU directives and regulations in the field of consumer protection into Ukrainian legislation.

The new law, in particular:

– defines the concept of an electronic trading platform (marketplace);

– defines the concept of an electronic product comparison service (price aggregator);

– defines the rights and obligations of consumers in electronic commerce;

– introduces the responsibility for the availability of information related to data on business entities selling products on the websites of the marketplace and price aggregator;

– extends the effect of the law to the field of food products in terms of the economic rights of the consumer (in case of violation of the terms of the contract of sale (delivery) of food products in online stores, when marking the sale price of food products).

The State Consumer Service has the right to apply to the internet service provider to restrict access to the website (parts of the website, software) of business entities that use unfair business practices, violate consumer rights protection legislation, etc.

Also, an opportunity has been created for public associations of consumers to conduct research on the level of quality and safety of goods, works, and services on the consumer market, at the same time, helping businesses.

Public associations of consumers are exempted from paying court fees in all court instances in cases related to the protection of consumer rights, including in relation to an undefined circle of consumers.