
On September 10, 2021, the Ukrainian parliament amended the law “On Advertising” regarding combating discrimination on the basis of sex.

Thus, the Law “On Advertising” is supplemented with the following definitions:

– discriminatory advertising – advertising containing or using statements and/or images that are discriminatory on the basis of race, skin color, political, religious and other beliefs, gender, age, disability, ethnic and social origin, citizenship, family and property status, place of residence, linguistic or other characteristics in relation to a person and/or a group of persons;

– discriminatory advertising based on gender – advertising containing a statement and/or images about the intellectual, physical, social, or another advantage of one sex over the other and/or about the stereotypical role of men and women, promoting a humiliating and dismissive attitude.

From now on, it is prohibited to use in advertising:

  • statements and/or images about the intellectual, physical, social or another advantage of one sex over the other and/or about the stereotyped role of a man and a woman promoting a humiliating and dismissive attitude;
  • humiliate a person’s dignity based on gender;
  • demonstrate gender-based violence;
  • use the image of a person’s body (body part) solely as a sexual object in order to attract the attention of the consumer and/or links (words, sounds, images) to sexual relations that are not related to the advertised product or the way of its consumption.

In case of violation of these requirements, the advertiser will pay a fine to the state budget in the amount of ten times the minimum wage set at the moment of the violation.