
In the World Bank’s Doing Business-2020 ranking of ease of doing business, Ukraine ranked 64th, up 7 positions from the previous year.

Ukraine has improved its performance on 6 out of 10 indicators that are considered when ranking.

Ukraine has shown the greatest progress in the categories Protecting Minority Investors (+27 points) and Dealing with Construction Permits (+10 points). Improvements have also been made in the topics Getting Credit, Trading across Borders, Getting Electricity, and Registering Property indicators.

Thus, since 2012, Ukraine has risen in the ranking of Doing Business bu 88 positions – the third-best result among all countries.

Russia ranked 28th in the new Doing Business ranking, rising to three positions in the year. Russia has improved its position on Getting Electricity, Protecting Minority Investors, Paying Taxes.

New Zealand, Singapore, and Hong Kong took the top three places in the Doing Business 2020 ranking. Denmark is the best among European countries – fourth place. Georgia is seventh among the post-Soviet countries. Lithuania ranked 11th, Estonia 18th, Latvia 19th, Kazakhstan 25th, Azerbaijan 34th, Armenia 47th, Moldova 48th, Belarus 49th.