
On July 15, 2021, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted the Law “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Medicines” regarding the prohibition of the sale of medicines to children”.

Amendments to the law prohibit the sale of medicinal products (including online and remote delivery) to minors (under the age of 14), as well as the delivery of medicinal products to the final consumer – a minor.

At the same time, a person who carries out retail sale of medicines and/or delivery of medicines to the end consumer, in case of doubt about the age of the buyer, must demand a passport or other document confirming the age. In case of refusal to provide such a document, the sale of medicinal products to this person is prohibited. Also in the first reading, a bill was adopted, which introduces administrative liability for the sale and delivery of medicines to minors – from 6800 UAH for the first violation and up to 23800 UAH ($880) for a second violation.