Each month the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property” (Ukrpatent) receives approximately 3 thousand trademark applications. Registration is obtained only by half of them.

In total, there are more than 200 thousand active trademarks certificates issued by the Ukrpatent.

Word, device, and combined signs can be registered in Ukraine.

Multiple classes of trademark registration are allowed.

Like in other countries, Ukrainian Patent Office will issue a refusal for applied signs, which is identical or confusingly similar to the filed trademark applications or registered trademarks in respect of similar goods and services under the national or Madrid systems as well as similar signs to the trademarks recognized as well-known.

Properly conducted preliminary searches will help to avoid most problems.

There are two options to conduct a trademark search in Ukraine: do a preliminary online trademark search on the database of the Ukrpatent or order an official search in national and international databases.

Preliminary online trademark search in Ukraine

The most convenient way is to use the search tool of Pocket IP. It gives unlimited access to the latest official trademark database in Ukraine.

All you need to do is to log in to the system and make a search with a name, application/registration number, or applicant/holder name.

Another option is the special informational system of the Ukrainian Intellectual Property Institute (Ukrpatent) provides the possibility of free online searches in the database of intellectual property rights objects.

Ukraine trademark database is accessible via the link https://sis.ukrpatent.org/

ukraine trademark database

The database contains information on registered trademarks in Ukraine according to the national procedure as well as on filed trademark applications.

It means, that just submitted applications, as well as registered trademarks under the international procedure, will be not shown in the search results.

Despite the interface of the online database being available in English, all information in the register is published in Ukrainian: name and address of the holder/applicant and description of goods and services will be displayed only in Ukrainian.

It should be noted, that the sign can obtain the registration either written in Latin or Cyrillic alphabet. The proper search must be conducted taking this into account.

Official Trademark search in Ukraine

It is possible to request an Official trademark search by the Ukrainian IP Office.

But, since the trademark database is publicly available for free, we recommend doing it only for image trademarks, which are harder to find by yourself.


Crane IP Law Firm provides full range of legal services for trademark registration in Ukraine: searches, registration, renewal, drafting and registration of assignment and license agreements, monitoring of competitors and infringers activities, Customs enforcement of intellectual property rights in Ukraine, etc.

Search results provided by our firm contain all submitted applications and registered trademarks that are similar or identical to Client’s trademark. The analysis includes also any relevant issues and recommendations for a smooth registration procedure.

If you have any additional questions as to Trademark registration procedure in Ukraine, please contact us info@craneip.com