
On April 19, 2024, the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, signed a law banning the sale, and distribution of devices for the consumption of tobacco products without burning them, vapes, flavors, and liquids for them, as well as their advertising.

Thus, Kazakhstan became one more country in the world that banned electronic nicotine delivery systems.

For the first time, there was talk of banning vapes in Kazakhstan in the fall of 2021. At that time, several members of the parliament came forward with such an initiative.

In 2023, a member of parliament already addressed a parliamentary request to the country’s prime minister. The request was based on appeals from Kazakhstani people who demanded to stop the spread of vapes among children, teenagers, and young people.

An interdepartmental commission was established in the parliament, whose members voted almost unanimously for the introduction of a complete ban on the sale, import, export, and production of vapes.

According to the Ministry of Finance, over the past two years, the turnover of vapes has increased 300 times in Kazakhstan. The consumption of vapes by children and teenagers has increased many times over the past few years. Over 2.5 years, about 3 million pieces of vapes were imported into the country.

From now on, the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan has been supplemented with articles that provide punishment for the sale of vapes.

Thus, the sale and distribution of devices for the consumption of tobacco products without burning them, electronic consumption systems (vapes), flavorings, and liquids for them are punishable by a fine of up to 200 monthly estimated indicators (738,400 tenge in 2024) or correctional labor, or involvement in public works for up to 200 hours, or arrest for up to 50 days.

A fine of up to 2,000 MEI (7,384,000 tenge) or correctional labor, or participation in public works on a term of up to 600 hours, or restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years, or imprisonment for the same term with confiscation of property or not.