
From January 1, 2021, in connection with the increase in the size of the minimum level of subsistence for able-bodied persons, the amount of the court fee in Ukraine also increased.

So, rates increased by 8% – the minimum wage was increased from 2102 UAH to 2270.

Court fee rates in economic cases in Ukraine in 2021:

Action Court fees
Filing a pecuniary complaint by a legal entity 1.5% of stated claims, but not less than 2270 UAH and not more than 794,500 UAH
Filing a pecuniary complaint by a natural person 1% of stated claims, but not less than 908 UAH and not more than 11,350 UAH
Filing a pecuniary complaint to the economic court 1.5% of stated claims, but not less than 2270 UAH and not more than 794,500 UAH
Filing a claim of a non-monetary nature by a legal entity 2270 UAH
Filing a claim of a non-monetary nature by a natural person 908 UAH
Filing a claim of a non-monetary nature complaint to the economic court 2270 UAH
Filing an application for taking measures to secure a claim 1135 UAH
Filing an appeal against a court decision 150% from a fee paid in the first instance
Filing a cassation appeal against a court decision 200% from a fee paid in the first instance
Filing a claim for the protection of the honor and dignity of an individual, business reputation of an individual or legal entity 908 UAH
Filing a claim for the recovery of non-pecuniary damage 1.5% of stated claims, but not less than 2270 UAH