
Due to the quarantine and restrictive measures introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry has simplified the procedure for applying for a certificate of force majeure.

The general information is posted on the website of the CCI of Ukraine in the section “Services – Certificate of Force Majeure”: application forms and samples of their completion, fees, accounts, and acts.

If restrictive measures in connection with the distribution of COVID-19 became the cause of force majeure, you must provide: 

– application form signed by the head of the enterprise;

– copy of the contract;

– a copy of the order (s) with the need to terminate activities on the basis of the relevant regulatory legal acts;

– notification to the other party.

Documents should be sent on email address: ucci@ucci.org.ua.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry emphasized that the applicant has the right to apply for certification of force majeure in case that the deadline for fulfilling the obligation due to the quarantine has already been violated.

At the same time, the Chamber of Commerce recalled that the recognition of certain conditions as force majeure circumstances does not automatically relieve them of responsibility for failure to comply with the established contractual conditions, but can only provide a delay in their execution.

Therefore, the parties must, first of all, agree among themselves on the establishment of new conditions for the execution of the contract, sign the corresponding amendments to the contract.