From November 1, 2022, amendments and additions to the Patent Instructions to the Eurasian Patent Convention entered into force.
The most significant innovation in the Patent Instruction is the possibility to submit digital three-dimensional models (3D models) for Eurasian invention applications and Eurasian design applications.
This allows applicants to take advantage of 3D visualization for an additional explanation of the essence of the claimed invention and a more visual presentation of the appearance of the products for which industrial designs are claimed. Technical requirements for submitted 3D models will be published in the EAPO’s Technical Regulations.
In addition, the deadlines for submitting an objection against the issuance of a Eurasian patent for an invention and an objection to the invalidation of a Eurasian patent for an industrial design are being extended. The terms for submitting such objections will be nine months from the date of publication of the information on the grant of the patent.
Also, according to the new version of the rules, amendments to the claims of the invention are allowed before the applicant is notified of the readiness to issue a Eurasian patent.
Additions have also been made regarding the expansion of the list of examinations that are carried out in relation to the claimed industrial design at the stage of substantive examination, as well as the expansion of ways to exclude elements of the appearance of the product for which the applicant does not claim legal protection.