
In Izhevsk, during a police investigation in warehouses, more than 500 thousand packs of fake perfumery products marked with famous brands, more than 1 thousand liters of finished perfumery products, and more than 68 tons of unlabeled alcohol were found. Based on expert estimates, the damage to perfume producers exceeded 860 million rubles (approximately $13 million).

For the transportation of products from the territory of the enterprise, law enforcement officers needed eight Kamaz trucks.

Lawbreaker counterfeited perfumes and cosmetics of world brands and sold products in Moscow and the Moscow region. They also produced alcoholic beverages and sold them under the guise of cosmetic lotion.

Entrepreneurs are accused under the articles of the Criminal Code “illegal use of another’s trademark committed by an organized group” and “production, acquisition, storage, transportation and marketing of unlabeled alcohol products committed by an organized group in an especially large amount”, which punishable by imprisonment up to six years.