
On June 23, 2022, the European Council officially granted the status of a candidate for the European Union to Ukraine and Moldova.

In 2014, an association agreement was concluded between Ukraine and the EU, and on February 28, 2022, the president of Ukraine signed an application for Ukraine’s membership in the European Union. Moldova also submitted such an application on March 3.

The first report on the evaluation of the fulfillment of conditions by Ukraine and Moldova is expected as part of the European Commission’s regular analysis of enlargement by the end of 2022.

In order to start negotiations on full membership, the countries must implement a number of reforms, including the harmonization of legislation in the field of intellectual property law.

In particular, already on July 1, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted the European integration bills in the first reading:

– Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Strengthening the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (initiated by the Cabinet of Ministers),

– Draft Law on Copyright and Related Rights,

– Draft Law on the legal protection of geographical indications for agricultural products and food products, protection of rights, and application of quality schemes, including traditional guaranteed features for agricultural products and food products (initiated by the Cabinet of Ministers).