
On July 16, 2024, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted in the second reading and as a whole the draft law on the parallel import of medicinal products.

The purpose of the draft law is to increase the availability of medicines for the population through the early launch of parallel import mechanisms.

According to people’s deputies, this will contribute to increasing competition and lowering drug prices.

Medicinal products that are legally purchased abroad and imported into Ukraine under the regime of parallel import may not meet the requirements for the labeling of medicinal products.

The possibility of parallel import of medicines in Ukraine was provided by the new version of the law of July 28, 2022 “On Medicines”, which will enter into force 30 months after the end of martial law.

However, due to the urgent need for a parallel import mechanism right now, in the conditions of war, thanks to the adoption of a new law, these mechanisms will be introduced from January 1, 2025.

In addition, the draft law envisages the creation of the State Register of Medicinal Products introduced into circulation imported into the territory of Ukraine and the State Register of Medicinal Products simultaneously imported into the territory of Ukraine.