
The administrator of the .UA top-level domain registry and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have agreed on the implementation of the second phase of UA-DRP in the .UA zone domain and the extension of its action for .com.ua zone domains.

The procedure for out-of-court settlement of domain disputes based on UDRP (Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy) at the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center for .com.ua zone domains will become available since December 19, 2019.

This procedure has been available for .UA domain names since March 2019.

An out-of-court settlement in the .UA domain has some differences from the standard UDRP procedure. The out-of-court procedure does not prevent the consideration of the dispute in a Ukrainian court – in this case, the proceedings at the WIPO Arbitration Center are terminated until the decision of the Ukrainian court.

According to Ukrainian law, registering a domain in the .UA zone is possible only after obtaining a registration certificate for the appropriate trademark.